Why would you think your brain isn't affected by what you put into your mouth? Sudden sugar rushes and the following lows play havoc with your concentration and ability to access the key language areas that will bring out the best in your writing. Remember that you are training to be an expert in your field, trying to push your mind, and body as well to some extent, to the edge of human possibilities. You want your wit to be quick and your decision-making skills sharp. You simply can't stuff any old food into a finely trained and balanced system.
Brain Food
Surely you will have heard that some foods are better for the brain than others. Considering your main asset in this adventure is going to be your brain, this is worth paying attention to. Anything you can do to improve your concentration and thought processes is a good idea.
The big secret eating for your brain is understanding the chemicals that come from the foods you eat. These different chemicals can keep you motivated, help you concentrate, improve memory, help you deal with stress, and slow down the ageing process (and fight an incredible amount of mental illnesses).
So, here are some of the top foods for brain function. See how creative you can get.
These are the top four chemicals your brain loves:
Glucose: Yes, it is otherwise known as sugar, and we all hear all the time that sugar is bad for you. Let me explain. Most of the brain's energy comes from glucose, so you definitely need it. The problem is your brain needs a slow and constant stream of it, and gets rather upset by a sudden increase and then none at all. Dealing with this problem? Have more and smaller meals really helps with concentration.
Fatty Acids: Your brain definitely needs fat! But not the kind of fat you find in chips. The big winner is omega-3. So fish is a great looking option here, particularly the fatty kinds like salmon and tuna. However, you can also get omega-3 goodness from walnuts, pumpkin and flax seeds, so you're not totally limited if you can't have seafood. How much are we talking? Well, one serving a day is a great aim.
Amino Acids: These come from protein-rich foods and are essential for mental alertness. They affect your neurotransmitters and so can improve a range of different mental aspects, including memory, your immune system and even your sleep. Mmmm, sleeeepppp.... So how do you get this good stuff? Amino acids come as the body breaks down protein, so fish, meat,
Brain Food
Surely you will have heard that some foods are better for the brain than others. Considering your main asset in this adventure is going to be your brain, this is worth paying attention to. Anything you can do to improve your concentration and thought processes is a good idea.
The big secret eating for your brain is understanding the chemicals that come from the foods you eat. These different chemicals can keep you motivated, help you concentrate, improve memory, help you deal with stress, and slow down the ageing process (and fight an incredible amount of mental illnesses).
So, here are some of the top foods for brain function. See how creative you can get.
These are the top four chemicals your brain loves:
Glucose: Yes, it is otherwise known as sugar, and we all hear all the time that sugar is bad for you. Let me explain. Most of the brain's energy comes from glucose, so you definitely need it. The problem is your brain needs a slow and constant stream of it, and gets rather upset by a sudden increase and then none at all. Dealing with this problem? Have more and smaller meals really helps with concentration.
Fatty Acids: Your brain definitely needs fat! But not the kind of fat you find in chips. The big winner is omega-3. So fish is a great looking option here, particularly the fatty kinds like salmon and tuna. However, you can also get omega-3 goodness from walnuts, pumpkin and flax seeds, so you're not totally limited if you can't have seafood. How much are we talking? Well, one serving a day is a great aim.
Amino Acids: These come from protein-rich foods and are essential for mental alertness. They affect your neurotransmitters and so can improve a range of different mental aspects, including memory, your immune system and even your sleep. Mmmm, sleeeepppp.... So how do you get this good stuff? Amino acids come as the body breaks down protein, so fish, meat,
eggs, cheese and yogurt are all good. The suggestion is to get one of these into each and every one of your meals. Are you up to the challenge?
Antioxidants: These help to regulate the oxidative stress that negatively affects brain cells. Want some of these goodies? Well good old tea is great, as well as veggies or berries. Your parents were right, you should eat your greens because they're good for you.
Finally, I know it's not a food, but water mustn't be forgotten. Get more water into you, as even mild dehydration has consequences for your mental performance. Make sure you are having a few glasses a day of the pure stuff, along with all your other drinks.
Sadly, eating well won't make you super smart overnight. In most modern lives, change needs to be made just to get your brain functioning as it should. There are some short-term gains, but you should be focused on creating better brain function for the long term. And seriously, it will be worth it.
Avoiding the After Lunch Slump
1. Avoid eating too much. That 'stuffed' feeling is a bad sign. It means that more blood is going to be diverted to your digestive system to deal with the overload, and that you are going to feel sleepy and weak as a result.
2. More protein, less carbs. (Okay, so I sort of agree with the nutritionists, in that you should have some protein. But carbs aren't all bad.) A big bowl of pasta is a great way to make you want to curl up and sleep. However, a chicken salad will keep you fresh and awake.
3. Are you getting enough iron? One of the causes of fatigue, in women in particular, is lack of iron. Use your lunchtime as a chance to make sure you get enough. Chuck some spinach into your salad, or make it a Thai beef salad.
4. Don't rely on stimulants to pick you up. This might work on occasion, but in the end your body will just come to rely on them, meaning they are less effective and without them you feel even worse than you did before! Caffeine is an emergency drug.
5. An after-lunch meditation is great, but after the allocated 20 minutes, you need to kick your body back into gear, so try going for a walk to get the blood flowing again to the rest of your body. Also, getting out into the sunlight will let your body know it should be awake.
Antioxidants: These help to regulate the oxidative stress that negatively affects brain cells. Want some of these goodies? Well good old tea is great, as well as veggies or berries. Your parents were right, you should eat your greens because they're good for you.
Finally, I know it's not a food, but water mustn't be forgotten. Get more water into you, as even mild dehydration has consequences for your mental performance. Make sure you are having a few glasses a day of the pure stuff, along with all your other drinks.
Sadly, eating well won't make you super smart overnight. In most modern lives, change needs to be made just to get your brain functioning as it should. There are some short-term gains, but you should be focused on creating better brain function for the long term. And seriously, it will be worth it.
Avoiding the After Lunch Slump
1. Avoid eating too much. That 'stuffed' feeling is a bad sign. It means that more blood is going to be diverted to your digestive system to deal with the overload, and that you are going to feel sleepy and weak as a result.
2. More protein, less carbs. (Okay, so I sort of agree with the nutritionists, in that you should have some protein. But carbs aren't all bad.) A big bowl of pasta is a great way to make you want to curl up and sleep. However, a chicken salad will keep you fresh and awake.
3. Are you getting enough iron? One of the causes of fatigue, in women in particular, is lack of iron. Use your lunchtime as a chance to make sure you get enough. Chuck some spinach into your salad, or make it a Thai beef salad.
4. Don't rely on stimulants to pick you up. This might work on occasion, but in the end your body will just come to rely on them, meaning they are less effective and without them you feel even worse than you did before! Caffeine is an emergency drug.
5. An after-lunch meditation is great, but after the allocated 20 minutes, you need to kick your body back into gear, so try going for a walk to get the blood flowing again to the rest of your body. Also, getting out into the sunlight will let your body know it should be awake.
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