Basic Information On Popular Vampire Book Series

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By Jocelyn Davidson

So many readers in all groups of age get into reading popular young adult readers. A few of the vampire book series are known only to those that follow this genre, and others are at the top of best seller lists. These are just a few of the different story lines that you may find.

The quite popular and very long time running cable television show is based on a huge selling series of this sort. The blond waitress lead meets her first sun shunning citizen while at work. At this time, the pale skinned male comes into her life and introduces her to his life. It is one where everyone knows to stay in at night and those who are out are really out of the coffin.

This story offers drama where werewolves, shape shifters, fairies and many other supernatural beings are always included. From a natural hatred for the fanged to the love triangles of the fairy born, it offers rivalries between all types of warm and cold blooded alike. The female author has had more than twelve in her arsenal for readers to delve into. The show is now cancelled, but viewers will continue to watch reruns and will now go to the author to continue following the lives of those therein.

One more at the lists' top is a love triangle that results in a child that is only half human and a family of those called cold ones. The heroine's male best friend that secretly loves her, informs the girl of a pact his tribe has with the night dwelling. The tribe turns to werewolves to protect locals when the original pact was broken.

With the werewolf pack on one side and the sparkly pale skinned on the other, our heroine is torn. Her on and off again love affair with the cute male sparkler causes her to leave family and friends. With her warm blood and always being in danger due to the life she can sustain for his kind, her boyfriend says he will make her like him after her eighteenth birthday.

She hates this idea because she will always be older than he, but he never wanted this for her at all. The best friend tells her not to go through with it because they can never be friends again since that act will break the hundreds of years old pact. She doesn't care about the consequences and decides to go on with it, but the boyfriend says he won't unless she will marry him.

She then goes on with the wedding, and is carrying a child that is half human upon her return from the honeymoon. She unfortunately dies during the birthing process, but her husband gives her everlasting life and she then wakes up with her new baby and the need to feed on blood. She learns to deal with this and begins her vegetarian like life, like the remainder of her new family. Her new daughter will never be lonely because her werewolf best friend has imprinted on her child, so the child will never need for a friend or love.

Like most other types of series, at least three books are available for perusal to keep up with characters. Whether it is a supernatural being or a normal person, the love and drama keeps everyone hooked. For details on this genre, talk to a bookstore employee.

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