How To Make Use Of Brochure Printing That Is Eco Friendly

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By Christopher Bailey

The impact of a business on the environment should be an important consideration for any entrepreneur. The printing industry is one of those that have come under intense pressure to make adjustments in various process which have traditionally resulted in environmental degradation. Customers are increasingly becoming more concerned and are now expressing themselves by opting for products causing the least damage to the environment. There are a number of ways through which brochure printing that is eco friendly can be achieved.

For a pre-existing business, the first area which requires to be re-evaluated seriously is the type of ink used in producing the brochures. Most traditional ink types are manufactured from petroleum based products. When they disintegrate in the environment, they lead to formation of volatile organic compounds which in turn form smog, an environmental and health hazard. Vegetable-based inks which are free from these compounds are now available in the market.

You will have two choose the paper needed carefully. Your options include virgin and recycled paper. Virgin paper is that which has not been used before. Increased use of virgin paper directly affects the environment due to the need to cut more trees. Recycled paper, in contrast, has been manufactured from paper which was previously put to other uses. It not only causes less environmental damaged but is also associated with lower production costs.

Use your water efficiently to conserve this important natural resource and to minimize operating costs. Recycling of water is one of the ways through which this can be achieved. Research shows adequate recycling may reuse as much as 65% of water running through the first cycle. It is also important to properly treat the effluent before you release it into a water reservoir.

Petroleum based energy sources are among the leading causes of emissions into the environment. A suitable printing firm should ensure the energy used is kept at the minimum. Whenever possible the petroleum based sources should be replaced by renewable sources such as wind and solar energy. Re-evaluate your equipment regularly to ensure that you get the maximum output for every unit of electricity used.

There are two main types of printers to choose from. These include the digital and the analogue printers. The latter are not only more energy efficient but also produce better prints. Although the cost of printing the brochure is higher for every page printed, this is offset by the cost involved in printing plates for the analogue type. If you are a company already in business, you may replace the analogue printers gradually over time.

Design your brochure in a manner which ensures the number of pages are as few as possible. This is done by restricting yourself to the key message and providing references for any other information which may be needed. There are two main benefits when such a design is used: lower production costs and conservation of trees due to a lower demand for paper.

To implement a sustainable brochure printing process is not an easy task. It involves the entire supply chain; from the manufactures of raw materials to the end consumer as well as any intermediaries within the chain. The primary objective is reducing waste age and minimizing environmental degradation.

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