Lounge Lizard & The Biggest Do's And Don'ts Of Web Design

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By Arthur Williams

Anyone who has ever developed websites will tell you that work must be done with certain methodology in place. After all, when there are so many sites to be seen, you can clearly see that some are better made than others. How can you get involved in this endeavor, so that the best sites can be produced? For those who are itching for a learning experience, here are a few web design do's & don'ts that Lounge Lizard can provide.

DO have a goal in mind. Before you get started, you should have a certain goal in mind beforehand. Companies such as Lounge Lizard will be able to agree, especially when you think about the reasons why sites are made in general. Some are designed to sell products, while others are meant to be more informative to the general public. Whatever the case may be, the top web design company in your area will tell you that goals matters.

DON'T make things too cluttered. One of the worst things that you can do with your website is produce too much clutter. After all, when your site looks overly busy, it's more likely that visitors will click away before they get to the heart of product. This is why you should try to reduce the aforementioned clutter as much as possible. By doing so, you create a simple yet engaging experience that will be nothing short of welcoming as well.

DO know where social icons should be placed. It's also worth noting that social media is often part and parcel of website development. Think about how the likes of Facebook and Twitter draw engagement; wouldn't it make sense for icons to be placed, leading to these networks? The aforementioned icons should be placed in either the header or footer. By doing so, they'll be out of the way of the rest of the content you'd like to display.

DON'T overlook the importance of breaks. Anyone who works, whether it's part-time or full-time, is entitled to breaks. This is true for those who work in web design as well, especially when you think about how many hours they pour into individual projects. When you're so wrapped up in your work, you run the risk of burning yourself out before long. This is why it's important to take every single break that you're entitled to.

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